7 Wedding Traditions It's Time To Forget

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Are you in the throes of planning your wedding? There are lots of traditions that you might be considering including in your plans. Here are a few that you should think about forgetting completely. 

Photo by Dmitriy Ganin

1. Getting Married In A Church 

First, you might want to think about avoiding getting married in the church. In the past, a church wedding was the only option. These days, there’s lots of different possibilities that are worth exploring. For instance, you might want to consider a beach wedding. A beach wedding will provide you with a minimal aesthetic and a care-free design that can really resonate with your guests. You do need to go about planning a wedding like this the right way. Contrary to popular belief you can’t just get married on any beach. You will need the right permissions. 

2. Letting Your Partner Choose The Engagement Ring 

Next, you should think about whether or not you should let your partner choose the engagement ring. While this can be a romantic notion, it does mean that you may not get the exact ring that you want, even if you do drop plenty of hints. If you get the ring yourself, you can ensure that it fits you perfectly down to the smallest detail and that could be important. There are lots of different styles of engagement rings to choose from. We recommend that you explore stores such as Jogia Diamonds if you are selecting your own.

3. Wearing White 

Have you ever looked into why brides wear white on their wedding day? If you have then you may be shocked as to why many brides today are still wearing it. White is the traditional colour of many wedding dresses found in bridal shops and boutiques. However, if you are no longer a virgin then don’t feel like you have to choose a white dress. There are also many other colour choices for you to choose from. For example, you could pick out an ivory or even champagne-coloured dress. If you wanted to be daring, different, and stand out on your wedding day then how about a red or black dress? 

4. Having Your Father Give You Away 

Finally, it has been drilled into people that it is tradition for the father to give the bride away at the wedding. However, in reality,2. you don’t need to be given away by anyone. If you wanted to walk down the aisle with your dad or even on your own then that is your choice. The reason this tradition is outdated is due to women now being their own person rather than the property of anyone. Back in the day the father gave their daughter away as she was his property. Many brides have now changed their perception of this practice and if you want to incorporate it into your wedding then it can be seen as a great symbol of love and unity. Consider walking down the aisle with both parents or having a close friend or family member escort you instead. Consider walking down the aisle with both parents or having a close friend or family member escort you instead.

5. Gender-Specific Roles

In the past, certain roles in the wedding party, such as bridesmaids and groomsmen, were gender-specific. Nowadays, it's more common to have a mixed-gender wedding party, or even to do away with the concept altogether.

6. Throwing Rice

Throwing rice as the couple exits the ceremony has long been considered a symbol of prosperity and fertility, but it can be harmful to birds and other wildlife. Consider using eco-friendly alternatives such as bubbles, flower petals, or even sparklers.

7. Wedding Cake.

While the wedding cake is a classic tradition, it can be costly and not everyone enjoys cake. Consider serving alternative desserts such as cheese stacked cakes, cupcakes, donuts, or even a dessert bar with a variety of sweets.

We hope this helps you understand some of the key old-fashioned wedding traditions that might be a little dated these days. Instead, you can consider exploring some alternatives that might be a better fit. 


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How To Choose The Right Wedding Photographer For Your Wedding

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There are lots of wedding tasks to tick off the list when planning a wedding. It’s not an easy process by any means and while some are in their element planning their wedding, others are spiralling into anxiety and stress.

A wedding photographer is probably one of the most important tasks to check off because they’re responsible for capturing your day. They are going to take photos of you and your spouse on the most special of days. Not only that but they’re going to capture many other parts of the day too. When the memory fades, the pictures remain!

Identify the budget you have available

It’s important to be selective with your wedding suppliers because some are going to be more costly than others. When it comes to wedding photographers, there are a lot of options out there with a lot of price points to match.

Identifying a budget is important to understand how much flexibility you have with the budget. Some photographers may charge packages that include or don’t include second photographers. A second photographer might not be needed but can certainly add that extra option of capturing more memories of this special day.

Shop around

Another way to shop around for wedding photographers is by attending wedding fayres. These events often feature a range of photographers showcasing their work and offering deals or promotions. It's a great opportunity to see different styles of photography and talk to photographers in person. You can also compare prices and packages from different photographers in one place, which can save time and effort in the search for the perfect wedding photographer. Make sure to bring a notepad and pen to jot down notes and contact details of photographers you're interested in, so you can follow up with them after the event.

Consider the style and type of shooting you’re after

The style and type of shooting you require will range from one couple to another. You may want the more natural shots, others will want staged looks for their wedding photos. Every wedding photographer is a little bit different from the next, so it’s worth considering what style you and your spouse-to-be would like. 

Look at the photographer’s previous testimonials

A wedding photographer that’s reputable will have plenty of testimonials to share with their prospective couples and those interested in using their photography skills. Take a look at the testimonials on Samantha Scales Photography’s website.

This is a great example of showcasing satisfied customers that have had a beautiful wedding photographer experience with the photographer in question. Make sure your desired photographers have testimonials

Meet up with the photographer for a pre-wedding shoot

Before you go booking the wedding photographer for the wedding, it’s a good idea to meet up beforehand. This could be for a meeting to discuss your wants and needs. It could be a more in-depth meet-up where you have a pre-wedding shoot or test shoot to get an understanding of whether this photographer is the right one for you.

The photographer needs to be a match for you, regardless of whether they can achieve your desired style or look for the photographs.

Negotiate on costs if necessary

When it comes down to wedding costs, any chance of negotiation is one you want to grab with both hands. If there’s any way of saving money, then it’s definitely something you want to explore. Consider negotiating where you are able to, especially if there’s some wiggle room available.

Ask for a portfolio

It's important to take a look at a photographer's portfolio to get a sense of their style and expertise. Look at their previous work to see if their style and vision match what you have in mind for your wedding. A portfolio can also give you an idea of the range of weddings they have photographed and their ability to capture different types of moments.

Check for insurance and backup equipment:

A professional wedding photographer should have insurance in case of any unforeseen circumstances, such as damage to their equipment or accidents that may happen during the shoot. They should also have backup equipment in case something goes wrong with their primary gear. It's important to ask your photographer about these things to ensure that you're hiring someone who is prepared for any situation that may arise.

Remember, your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life, and choosing the right photographer is key to capturing those precious moments that you will cherish forever. By considering these tips, you can ensure that you choose the right photographer to make your special day memorable.


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