Privacy Policy

Red Event Wedding Fayres is committed to safeguarding and protecting your privacy. This privacy policy outlines how we handle your personal information, ensure its security, and explains your rights in relation to the data we hold about you.

We are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards to ensure the privacy of your personal information. Any personal information you provide will be used in accordance with this privacy policy. If you have any questions about our privacy policy you can contact Red Event directly here.


By continuing to use our websites, signing up at our wedding fayres, signing up to our database exhibitor list you are giving your consent for the collection of your information described in this Privacy Policy. Red Event Wedding Fayres may change this policy from time to time by updating this page. We recommended that you should check this page regularly to ensure that you are happy with any changes. 

Data Protection

Ensuring the security of your data is of utmost importance to Red Event Wedding Fayres. As the "controller" of all personal data collected and utilised for Red Event Wedding Fayres, we are responsible for determining the purposes and methods of processing your data. Our commitment is to handle your data in a lawful and secure manner, prioritising your privacy and protection. Our lawful basis to process customer personal data is consent for brides and grooms. Our lawful basis to process customer personal data is consent and contract for suppliers. 

What data do we collect?

Red Event Wedding Fayres collects various types of information (in person or via our website or ticketing partner Event Brite), including but not limited to your name, postal address, telephone number, email address, date of wedding (if applicable), wedding venue (if applicable), and other event-specific details. In order to assist you with your wedding preparations, we may inquire about the specific services you still require for your special day. This information helps us tailor our offerings and recommendations to meet your needs effectively. We may also collect anonymous website usage information through the use of cookies.

Additionally, Red Event Wedding Fayres collects various types of information from Suppliers, including but not limited to your name, telephone number, email address, websites and details about your services and other business-specific details. In order to assist you with your service requests, any information collected from wedding businesses will be retained to contact you regarding future wedding fayre dates and Red Event services.

What do we do with the data?

Red Event Wedding Fayres utilises the collected information for purposes such as managing your subscription to our email list, facilitating sponsorship or exhibitor relationships, and sending you updated information related to our events, suppliers, blog, promotions, or information that we believe might be of interest to you. With your permission, we may share your information with exhibitors/venue of the event you registered for or attended, as well as our preferred suppliers, sponsors and other suppliers.

We prioritise the security and privacy of your personal data. Rest assured that we never sell, reproduce, or share your information with any third party without your explicit permission provided during the sign-up process.

How long do we store your data?

We won’t retain your personal information for longer than necessary, we keep couples getting married personal information for no longer than 1 year after your wedding has passed and we will delete the information from our electronic systems. We ensure compliance with legal requirements and adhere to the recommended best practices to establish the appropriate handling of your personal data. We strictly use your personal information for the purposes for which it was initially obtained. If there arises a need to utilise your personal data for any additional purposes, we will take the necessary measures to inform you well in advance of any changes. Furthermore, if you have provided us with explicit and informed consent for the use of your data, we will promptly cease processing it upon your request to stop.

Managing Opt-in/Unsubscribe Subscriptions and Event Data at Red Event Wedding Fayres.

Red Event Wedding Fayres website/email campaigns and sign-up forms provide the opportunity to opt-in and receive mailings by subscribing to our updates or registering as a visitor or exhibitor for one of our events. Whether you choose to receive updates or participate in our events, all event registration data and exhibitor booking data are collected and processed internally on the Red Event Wedding Fayres website as well as:

  • with our ticketing provider (EventBrite/Squarespace/Stripe for paid tickets) (only if you pre-registered for an event through this platform) for ticketing management, administration, and improvements.

  • with our email provider (Campaign Monitor) to send emails.

  • exhibitor/wedding supplier bookings are managed by Red Event Wedding Fayres.

You can unsubscribe from Red Event at any time by contacting us directly or using the unsubscribe button at the bottom of each Red Event email. If you no longer want to hear from our Wedding Suppliers, please unsubscribe from them directly and visit their Privacy Policy.  

Who do we share your Personal Information with?

Sometimes we need to share your information with third parties for the following reasons:

  • with website tracking analytics providers such as Google Analytics (please refer to our Cookie Policy for more details).

  • with our website hosting provider (Squarespace) to improve our website functionality and performance.

  • with our payment providers (Squareup) to process direct debit payments, purchases, and refunds.

  • with our ticketing provider (EventBrite) for ticketing management, administration, and improvements.

  • with our email provider (Campaign Monitor) to send emails.

  • with exhibitors, preferred suppliers, venues we host fayres at and other suppliers as part of our services at Red Event Wedding Fayres.

We may also share your personal data with third parties to whom we may choose to sell, transfer, or merge parts of our business or our assets. Alternatively, we may seek to acquire other businesses or merge with them. If a change happens to our business, then the new owners may use your personal information in the same way as set out in this policy.

We require all third parties to respect the security of your personal information and to treat it in accordance with the law. We do not allow our third-party service providers to use your personal information for their own purposes and only permit them to process your personal information for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions (offering services for your wedding day).

It's important to note that we only sell people's details if they have given us their permission to do so. This information will be sold only to suppliers whom the person has expressed an interest in hearing from our suppliers/exhibitors. We will also only share details with the venue we host a wedding fayre at if the customer has given us permission to do so by stating on the pre-registered form or upon signing in to an event that they are interested in hearing more from the venue.

Your Rights

You have rights regarding the personal data we hold about you. These include the right to access, correct, or delete your data, and to object to or restrict our processing of it. If we process your data based on consent, you can withdraw that consent at any time.


If you are unhappy with how we've handled your data, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). You can find more information on their website:


At Red Event Wedding Fayres, we place the utmost importance on the security of your information. We have implemented comprehensive physical, electronic, and managerial measures to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure. Our diligent procedures aim to safeguard and secure the information we collect online, ensuring your data remains protected.

Links to other websites

This privacy policy does not cover the links within our website linking to other websites. We encourage you to read the privacy statements on the other websites you visit.

How can you get more information about your data?

Contact us through the following contact email address, including your national identity document, passport or other valid official documentation, and we will process your request in a timely manner within the limits established in the General Data Protection Regulations.

Data controller: Red Event Wedding Fayres, 36 Broadway Avenue, Wallasey, Wirral, Merseyside, UK, CH456TD

Data Privacy Officer: Our Data Protection Officer can be contacted at

Please note that we will need to verify your identity before we can fulfill any of your rights under data protection law. This helps us to protect the personal information belonging to our customers against fraudulent requests.

How can I withdraw my consent for my data to be collected?

To withdraw consent for us to communicate with you by email, please unsubscribe or contact us directly:

Red Event Wedding Fayres, 36 Broadway Avenue, Wallasey, Wirral, Merseyside, UK, CH456TD

Or to our Data Protection Officer can be contacted at

Policy Changes

This privacy policy was most recently updated on 14th July 2023.

We may change this privacy policy from time to time by updating this page. If we make any substantial changes, we will take appropriate steps to bring those changes to your attention.

Cookies Policy

Red Event Wedding Fayres websites use cookies to provide functionality on our website, improve the performance of the website and make our advertising more relevant to you. The policy below explains the cookies and how we use them. None of these cookies transmit personal data, such as your email address or your name. Red Event Wedding Fayres is not considered as a data controller of cookies for third parties.

What is a Cookie?

A cookie is a small file that is downloaded to the browser that you used to access the website in order to store data. The uses of cookies can be broken down into different categories:

Essential cookies: These are cookies that are essential for the functionality of our website.

Preference cookies: These are cookies that are used to store the preferences set by the user, such as the language of the website.

 Analytical cookies: These are cookies that are used to analyse the traffic and use of our website, as well as to detect problems with our website.

Marketing cookies: These are cookies (both 1st and 3rd part) that are used to make the advertising that you see more relevant to you, both within our website and in third-party networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram or the advertising network of Google.

We sometimes allow outside companies to display adverts on our website. These ads may contain cookies. While we may use cookies in other parts of our web site, the advertising company collects cookies received from the adverts and we do not have access to this information.


By browsing and using our website, you agree to the use of all types of cookies mentioned above, under the conditions described in this Cookies Policy. You can block or disable cookies at any time using your browser settings, however, this may reduce the functionality that our website can offer.

To withdraw your consent to our cookies policy, follow the links below to remove them from your browser or device.



